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Wellness plans

wellness plans
wellness plans

Wellness plans: In the name of employee wellness, and in response to insurance company demands, corporations are offering well-being initiatives with financial incentives. Complete this cholesterol screening, say, and you’ll get $100 added to your paycheck; participate in some number of wellness programs, and you’ll receive another bonus. In this quest to increase employee wellness, however, organizations are often unwittingly making things worse. Is it any surprise that initial studies on wellness programs are showing they don’t lead to any visible results?

Simple Steps To A Healthier Life

This online program includes a health assessment. The personalized results will help members understand where they’re at risk and what they can do. The program includes personalized online health programs, too. Topics include:
  • Relieving stress
  • Eating healthy and getting physical activity
  • Sleeping better
  • Quitting tobacco
  • Living well with asthma
  • Increasing physical activity
This is not to say that leaders and managers should be too “soft,” nor does this mean that an organization becomes a place that is too “nice.” You can still lead powerfully, you can still exert authority, you can still influence, and you can still communicate frankly while remaining courteous, empathic, and understanding. Rather than adding more and more wellness initiatives and material perks, employers can actually do something much simpler — not to mention cost-effective — that will have much greater results. By creating a values-based culture characterized by humanity, they can create an organization with true workplace well-being.


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