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3000 year old castle ruins found in Turkish lake

3000 year old castle ruins found in Turkish lake

3000 year old castle ruins found in Turkish lake
3000 year old castle ruins found in Turkish lake

3000 year old castle ruins found in Turkish lake: Turkish researchers discovered a ruin in the Vanmeer, where in the eighth and seventh BC a great kingdom ruled.

In the Vanmeer, eastern Turkey, researchers found ruins. Under the water is a three thousand year old castle.

The Turkish newspaper Daily Sabah writes Sunday about the discovery. The ruins date according to the researchers of the University of Van from the period of the kingdom of Van der Veen, which originated between the eighth and seventh century BC. The princess, also known as Urartu, ruled the highland of the East Anatolian region.

There were rumors of a sunken castle, according to chief investigator Tahsin Ceylan. Yet few archaeologists believed that there would actually be something to be found in the water.

Water position

The Vanmeer is at the border with Iran and was once the result of a burst of the nearby Nemrut volcano. The lake now has a much higher water level than thousands of years ago. During the Urartubeschaving small settlements and villages were built on the banks of the lake. Those buildings disappeared underwater, which has risen about a hundred and fifty meters over the centuries.

Against the Daily Sabah, Ceylan says that a dive team needs to do more research on the walls of the ruin. He already speaks of a "unique historical value". According to the newspaper, it is expected that the ruin will attract many tourists after the survey.

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