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What Users Need to be Aware of When Taking L-Arginine
L-arginine was first seen in 1886 and is now a prominent supplement used to help with healing, kidney function and a person’s immune system. Furthermore, the supplement is also utilized because it provides a plethora of heart benefits. Those with heart disease or that are more susceptible to heart-related diseases often take L-Arginine to improve their overall blood circulation and blood flow. These beneficial aspects of the supplement are also what causes many users to experience L-Arginine side effects.

L-arginine Side Effects

Those that take this supplement may experience the following side effects:

Allergies: Perhaps the most potent of side effects is that of allergies. Those that have allergies are advised to be tested for their ability to handle L-arginine. If a person is allergic to the supplement, they may experience: chills, vomiting, sweating, shortness of breath and diarrhea. In severe cases, a person’s throat may swell leading to them not being able to breathe.

Bleeding: L-arginine is known to increase blood flow and circulation. Those that have had a recent heart attack or that are hemophiliacs may experience excess bleeding as a result.

Blood Sugar: Diabetics are not advised to take this supplement as it actually can increase a person’s blood sugar levels in some circumstances.

Liver and Kidney Issues: Those with liver and kidney-related diseases will find that they are at a greater risk of side effects when using L-arginine. These organs, if already problematic, may have their symptoms exacerbated as a result.

Stomach Issues: If a person suffers from stomach-related medical problems, such as ulcers, they may find that this is not the ideal choice for supplementation. L-arginine is known to increase stomach acid and those with stomach-related illnesses may have their current symptoms increased.

General Side Effects: Seen in every supplement, there are some general side effects experienced when taking this supplement. These include:

  • Indigestion
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Bloating
  • Gout
  • Low blood pressure

Reducing Side Effects

Those that have experienced intense L-arginine side effects will want to halt the use of this supplement. However, those that have mild side effects that still wish to continue taking L-arginine
will be able to reduce their side effects by:

  • Taking a lower dosage
  • Increase dosages slowly
  • Drink plenty of fluids

Since the body naturally obtains L-arginine from food, it is likely the dosage amount that is causing a person to suffer from side effects. Unfortunately, there is not a standard dosage recommendation, which means many users simply take too much at one time. By slowly adjusting your dosage, it will be possible to eliminate the side effects you have been experiencing.

With this in mind, those that have the following will need to proceed with caution:

  • Diabetes
  • Recent heart attacks
  • Liver disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Stomach disease
  • Asthma

While relatively safe and side effect-free, those that do exhibit problems will want to cease usage. Consulting with a doctor before taking L-arginine may be necessary for those with preexisting conditions, or those that have severe allergies.

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