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Age of Empires II: The Conquerors

Age of Empires is a series of historical real-time strategy video games, originally developed by Ensemble Studios and published by Xbox Game Studios. The first game was Age of Empires, released in 1997. Eight total games within the series have been released


Age of Empires II: The Conquerors (often abbreviated to AoC, although the official shorthand is Age2x) is the first expansion pack to the 1999 real-time strategy game Age of Empires II, released on August 24, 2000. It is the fourth installment of the Age of Empires series developed by Ensemble Studios.

The Conquerors features five new civilizations (the Aztecs, Mayans, Spanish, Huns, and Koreans), four new campaigns, 11 new units, 26 new technologies, new gameplay modes, new maps and a few minor changes to the gameplay mechanics.

Age of Empires II: The Conquerors


The Conquerors adds four additional single player campaigns. These are based on Attila the Hun's rise to power, Montezuma's defense against Hernán Cortés, and the adventures of El Cid. The fourth campaign, "Battles of the Conquerors", is actually a group of unrelated single scenarios, each based on a significant historical battle. These include the Battle of Tours, the saga of Erik the Red, the Battle of Hastings, the Battle of Manzikert, the Battle of Agincourt, the Battle of Lepanto, the Battle of Yamazaki, and the Battle of Noryang.

Attila the Hun

The Attila the Hun campaign begins as Attila assumes leadership of the Huns through the death of his brother [Bleda] and leads them to victory over their enemies, the Persians, the Scythians, and the Western Roman Empire. Attila then launches a series of raids on various cities (Naissus, Sofia, Dyrrhachium, Thessalonica, Adrianople), in order to obtain resources to destroy a base in the Eastern Roman Empire. These raids take him to Marcianopolis, Philippopolis, and Constantinople, continuing even as the Romans attempt to buy him off with payments of gold. He then receives a whimsical marriage proposal from Honoria, prompting him to concentrate his raids in Gaul, defeating Burgundy, Metz, and Orléans before withstanding the onslaught of a Roman army. Aetius then takes the battle to Attila at the Catalaunian Fields, alongside the Visigoths, led by Theodoric, and the Alans. After defeating all three of these enemies, Attila advances into northern Italy as he plunders Aquileia, Verona, Padua, and Milan. He is then summoned to a meeting with Pope Leo I in Rome, and the Pope somehow convinces him to leave Rome alone.

El Cid

The El Cid campaign begins as Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar becomes King Sancho's champion through a trial by combat, in which he obtains his horse Bavieca. He then defeats Sancho's brother, King Alfonso of León (who covets Sancho's Kingdom of Castile) and brings him to Sancho so that they may come to an amicable settlement. Sancho is assassinated, the game implying that Alfonso was involved. Alfonso thereby becomes king of both León and Castille. El Cid has Alfonso swear an oath that he was not responsible for the death of his brother. Toledo demands El Cid's attention as Spanish and Moorish rebels take over the city; an imam tells El Cid to bring him the four relics scattered throughout the city so that he might quell the rebellion. El Cid also meets Motamid during this quest to restore peace to Toledo. King Alfonso orders El Cid into exile, but once he destroys one of Alfonso's castles blocking his way to Zaragoza, Alfonso declares a truce. He then meets up with Motamid in Zaragoza and takes up service with him, helping him defeat Count Berenguer. He returns to King Alfonso's service to defend him from the attacks of Yusuf and his Black Guard, destroying all of their docks. Alfonso exiles him yet again, and El Cid wanders through the cities of Denia and Lérida until finally arriving in Valencia, which he defends from the attacks of Berenguer as the Valencians construct a Wonder. He rules there until Yusuf puts the city to siege. He is killed by a stray arrow in a failed raid, and his wife Ximena de Asturias puts him atop his horse to give the impression of his still living, so his soldiers will not lose heart as they defeat Yusuf's forces.


The Montezuma Campaign opens with the Aztecs responding to various prophecies by taking possession of numerous shrines in the jungle, over the opposition of their opponents, the Tlatiluco, the Tepanaca, and the Xochimilco. They then invoke the Triple Alliance of themselves, Texcoco, and Tlacopan in order to defeat the Tlaxcala. Once the Tlaxcala have been defeated, the Texcoco and Tlacopan betray the Aztecs and are promptly defeated themselves. The Spanish then arrive on the shores of the New World in search of gold, and Hernán Cortés destroys his transports to indicate his resolve to make good his claim of the Aztec Empire for Spain. The Aztecs fail to protect the Tabasco from the Spanish and come to the conclusion that the Spanish are their enemies as well as the Tlaxcala and proceed to defeat the Tlaxcala, who have allied with the Spanish, and steal some Spanish horses as well. Montezuma is killed by his own subjects who are fed up with his being out of touch. Cortés builds a Wonder in Tenochtitlán which Cuauhtémoc and a band of raiders eventually destroy, forcing the Spanish out of the city. They then defeat the Tlaxcala and Spanish in the Battle of Otumba (a Spanish victory in real life) and capture some horses and gunpowder carts to be able to train cavalry and cannons. They finally defeat the Spanish Army, Spanish Navy, and Tlaxcala from their reclaimed city of Tenochtitlán.

Battles of the Conquerors

The Battle of Tours shows Charles Martel capturing the Moors' baggage train after the latter had already overrun Poitiers. Vindlandsaga shows Erik the Red's expedition to Newfoundland, showcasing raids on the British coastline, the subjugation of Greenland, and the fending off of Skraelings in the New World as the Vikings found a settlement. The Battle of Hastings shows William the Conqueror launching his invasion of England in 1066 to defeat Harold the Saxon, as well as Harald Hardraade's defeat at the Battle of Stamford Bridge. The battle of Manzikert shows the Seljuk Turks defeating Byzantine Emperor Romanos IV and conquering eastern Anatolia by extracting resources from the themes of Cappadocia, Pisidia, and Galatia, before defeating the Byzantine Army proper. The Battle of Agincourt shows Henry V asserting his claim to the throne of France as he retreats from Harfleur, goes through Voyeni, Amiens, and Frévent before facing the French knights with his longbowmen and sailing back to England. The Battle of Lepanto shows John of Austria's forces keeping Turkish ships and transports at bay as they defend a wonder constructed quite close to the shoreline. The Battle of Kyoto (Yamazaki) shows the death of Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi's taking of Osaka, Hyogo, and destruction of all the castles in Kyoto. The Battle of Noryang Point shows Admiral Yi Sun-Shin's invention of the turtle ship as his last stand against the Japanese forces of Toyotomi Hideyoshi sees the Japanese defeated in their desire to expand into Korea.


Five additional playable civilizations come with the The Conquerors Expansion, including the Aztec and Mayans, who share a newly created American architectural style:

GroupWestern EuropeanCentral EuropeanEastern AsianAmerican
  • Spanish
  • Huns
  • Koreans
  • Aztecs
  • Mayans


Admiral Yi Sun-Shin, Attila the Hun, Bleda the Hun, Charles Martel, El Cid Campeador, Scythian Wild Woman, Pope Leo I, Imam, Nobunaga, King Sancho, Erik the Red, Harald Hardraade, William the Conqueror, Henry V and King Alfonso.

Battles of the Conquerors

The Battles of the Conquerors are a series of unrelated campaign scenarios in Age of Empires II: The Conquerors. They revolve around famous historic battles during the medieval period.

In the Definitive Edition, all eight scenarios are now part of the Historical Battles section, along with the Battles of the Forgotten scenarios.

Age of Empires II: The Conquerors


Note that, unlike with most other campaigns in Age of Empires II, the scenarios in this campaign require no unlocking but are all available for playing instantly.

  • Tours (732) (Franks, red) depicts the Battle of Tours.
  • Vinlandsaga (1000) (Vikings, red) depicts the Vinland sagas.
  • Hastings (1066) (Franks, blue) depicts the Battle of Hastings.
  • Manzikert (1071) (Turks, purple) depicts the Battle of Manzikert.
  • Agincourt (1415) (Britons, red) depicts the Battle of Agincourt.
  • Lepanto (1571) (Spanish, red) depicts the Battle of Lepanto.
  • Kyoto (1582) (Japanese, cyan) depicts the Battle of Yamazaki.
  • Noryang Point (1598) (Koreans, red) depicts the Battle of Noryang.


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