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Top 10 Most Influential People in Cinema History Time

Top 10 Most Influential People in Cinema History Time

I want to present to you a list of the 10 best actors in history. I was going to put together a list of the 50 best actors, but when I thought carefully, I found that maybe I might not give every actor his right, so in order to avoid problems, I decided to put only 10 actors, and I want to say that every person has his own outlook in which he sees films and actors so the opinion differs according to each Person, there are those who prefer classic films because they find them expressive and there are those who like thrillers. In general, all I want to say is that tastes differ and we have to respect every opinion. As for my evaluation of actors, it does not depend on Oscars or other awards. I rely on roles. What the actor performed, especially the quality of the acting, but the most important thing that I will focus on are the roles, because some actors played fairy-tale roles that made us unable to describe the magnificence of their roles.

10-James Stewart

Image search result for "James Stewart"
The king of classic films without the slightest doubt, James Stewart, the legend that will not be forgotten, was known for his distinctive and unique voice and had a superstitious and sophisticated way of acting that was not found by anyone. He was the number 1 actor in my childhood because he was the first actor. With his films, I became so obsessed with him and my bedroom was full of his pictures. My first example was, frankly, the words ... James played fairy-tale roles that will never be forgotten and he was nominated for five sugar awards, and he won the only Oscar for his role in the wonderful film The Philadelphia Story As for the best movie he's ever done, I think it's a Wonderful Life. Who among us does not know this legendary movie, and I think it was very unfair when it did not win the Oscar, especially that his competitor in that year was Frederick, and I believe that this last one did not deserve the Oscar. As for the best role he played,

9-Jack Nicholson

Image search result for "Jack Nicholson"
He is the legend Jack Nelson with the smile of the cat and the demonic smile, the person who has played the most crazy roles throughout history to the point that I dubbed him the crazy Jack, one of the symbols of Hollywood. He remains one of my favorite stars, and I consider him the first Hollywood star, and most of the lists of members or critics you find in it Jack is in Top Five because he is simply a Hollywood legend, although I love the way he plays his crazy roles, but I disagree with everyone, because I think there are two of them better This does not mean anything ... all of those on the list are legends and masters of cinema throughout history.
Jack played fairy, memorable roles and he has many wronged films, perhaps the most famous of which is The Bucket List. Honestly, the most amazing thing I have seen in recent years, the film is deeply wronged, neither from the point of view of critics nor in terms of awards. (I advise everyone to watch this movie) Perhaps the best character that Jack made, and everyone's testimony is the Joker character, played an amazing and crazy role
 Jack was nominated for an Academy Award 12 times, won only three, and he was wronged a lot in the awards, because Jack's actor had at least won more than 5 Oscars because of the roles he played.

8-Tom Hanks

Tom Hanks, the talented actor and the beloved of all, one of the most prominent actors currently in Hollywood Square, Tom has played wonderful roles and most of the films in which he has acted You know high reviews on the Internet, the most talented actor I have known all my life and I have seen most
Hanks excelled in all the films he made, and he has a fairy-tale way of changing his features and an amazing way of speaking, even though all of his films are silent and taciturn, but he was nominated for five Oscars and he won them on two occasions for his role in Philadelphia. The legendary film Forrest Gump, and I consider the role of Hanks in the movie Forrest Gump as the best role he has ever played and one of the best characters in history, the latter played an amazing role and I think he is the only one capable of playing that role. He had a wonderful and crazy way of speaking and excelled in all scenes and he deservedly deservedly deserved the Oss, Hanks had a very dark movie and it was The Terminal. I don’t know why I don’t find the members talking about this movie, because frankly it is one of the best films he made. And there is also a role in Cast Away,
As for the best movie he's made ... I think The Green Mile is the best movie he's ever had with Forrest Gump and Saving Private Ryan.
I think the worst movie Tom did was Angels & Demons, this last one was a star in the movie and gave a nice performance, but I didn't like the movie. 

7-Kevin Spacey

Crazy Kevin Spacey, one of the smartest actors in history for as long as he's known to gruesome movies
And most of his films end with tragic ends, Kevin has a mythical talent for acting that no one possesses, so that he always plays complex roles and only he can perform it, he has a way of speaking that some may find strange, but this actor To manipulate his features with great ease. He falsifies his facial expressions and appears as a good and innocent person, but he shocks us in the last, sometimes in his movies you feel that you do not know Kevin Spacey at all because he holds us up with amazing scenes. For those who have not seen the film)
 He played a cunning role in the movie and the way he played the character of Verbal was superstitious and appeared at the beginning as a good and innocent person who knew nothing, but the shock was great for everyone after we knew that he was Kaiser Suzy, the famous killer, it was one of the most amazing ends ever and I will never forget the scene (The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist) a terrible thing, frankly and in the manner of speech that the tongues fail to describe, there is hardly any hope of bringing that mythical scene back and I will never forget it, for the best film he did Kevin I think his role in American Beauty was the most amazing thing ever, as is the movie Se7en, now Kevin is doing a great series and he recommends it to everyone (House of Cards)

6-Clint Eastwood

Image search result for "Clint Eastwood"
Legend Clint Eastwood is the owner of the best Western movies without a dispute, and I think that without him the West would not have had such fame because it was the first reason for their fame without a doubt, and for us as a child we were a national hero and we used to imitate him yesterday. ... I consider him a first Hollywood legend, because most of his films were directed by him, and this is what makes him an icon of American cinema. . This makes us wonder where his role in the legendary movie the good the bad and the ugly, as well as his role in A Fistful of Dollars is frankly strange, and I think it was a lot unfair in the movie Gran Torino, he was at least nominated for an Oscar or the Golden Globe
Clint used to play fairy-tale roles in the Western films and his personality does not change, he always remains the hero in every film, now Clint has gone to the world of directing and does wonderful work and we are all waiting for him his new movie American Sniper, the legend remains a legend and does not need prizes to become a legend  

5-Robert De Niro

Image search result for "Robert De Niro"
The legend Robert De Niro, one of the greatest actors in the history of Hollywood and one of the most talented and creative actors
 He is the most famous actor of his generation, one of the most beloved actors of the public, although most of the roles he played in his films were evil or a member of the mafia, but he captured the hearts of everyone and everyone who watched his films, De Niro made wonderful films, most of which are classified as the best. History from the side of film critics, De Niro won an Oscar twice for his role in the second part of the movie GodFather, and he performed a legendary performance and covered the absence of the legendary actor Marlon Brando, as well as for his film Raging Bull and the role of He presented us with a completely different role from the character he was known for. He played the role of boxer Jack Lammotta and for science, the film was directed by the genius Martin Scorsese
A lot may differ with me, but I think The Deer Hunter is the best movie De Niro has ever made, and I think it deserved an Oscar that year. De Niro was and is still one of the best actors and it will be forever.  

4-Al Pacino

The legend of the crime films Apacheino, one of the best actors in history.
Frankly, Albacino is king when it comes to crime movies, he is the godfather of them.
He had many roles that were considered among the best ever, but perhaps the best of them was in the historical series Godfather, the character of Michael that Alabacino played was one of the most amazing roles throughout history. The third part of the series was the best for him, and I know everyone will disagree with me, but this is my opinion and I will never forget that cry that he made, it was one of the best and saddest scenes I have seen in my life. He excelled in all his films and it is impossible to find him an average performance. He has always known superstitious roles, as for me, I think that the best character that Albachino has ever made is the character of Tony Montana in the movie Scarface, a character in whom evil, madness and hatred met with a great personality like that of Akkar.But Albachino won the Academy Award in 1993 for his role in the movie Scent of a Woman, and he deserved the award quite well, and awaiting the new movie, Danny Collins, I expect it will be one of the best films of 2015.

3-Humphrey Bogart

Humphrey Bogart, the legend of classic films, one of the best and biggest American movie stars in the 20th century and the greatest romantic film actor throughout history, as he played the lead role in many romantic films. He is the number 1 actor for me and among the most beloved actor of all groups. It is impossible to find him a mediocre role or a bad one. All his roles and films were wonderful. He was the first star in the forties and fifties and without competition. He has more than 8 great films that are always classified by critics as the best in history and as masterpieces. His wife, Lauren Bacall, has participated with him in many wonderful films, and perhaps the best one that I will never forget is The Big Sleep, one of the best films that Bogat has ever made.
Although he has a great fame, he was wronged a lot in terms of awards. The Academy Awards did not do justice to him many times, especially in 1944, when he did not win the award after the legendary performance in the movie Casablanca, and it is impossible to watch the film without being related to Rick’s character, Bogart. A romantic character throughout history and without exaggeration, and whoever witnessed the film knows what I am saying, he played a very great role and it is impossible for me to forget that movie no matter how long I live, and he won the award for the best American actor in history according to the opinion of the American Film Institute and is superior to many myths of acting   

2-Charlie Chaplin

 Without a doubt, Charlie Shapley is absolutely a legend of comedy, and is considered king in relation to silent films.
 I find it wronged a lot, especially in terms of individual awards. A person like Charlie should have had more than 5 Oscars. Charlie deserves something more than an Oscar. Charlie was a symbol and the meaning of true creativity. You don’t be crazy for him. If you do not, if you are going to watch one of his films then expect that there will be hysterical laughter. Charlie makes you believe that comedy is not present in our current age as he was and still is the origin of comedy, because all Charlie's films are known to my very high position. Never, but the strange thing is that Charlie Chaplin won a lonely Oscar, unfortunately for his role in Limelight, and in 1972, when Charlie Chaplin took the stage to receive the Oscar honorary award, the crowd did not stop applauding.

 1-Marlon Brando

 The greatest actor known in history and greatness to God Almighty and Majestic, yes, he is the legendary Marlon Brando
The Godfather of Hollywood and the best of all Without the slightest doubt, there are no words to describe to you how amazing his roles are. He had a unique way of acting in which no one could compete with him, and his role in the movie Godfather is the best role that history has known without doubt, and I do not know frankly how I will describe his legendary performance to you, and it was the first reason for the fame of the film. Brando has free lessons about life because of what he said in the movie, and perhaps the most famous one is when he said: man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man, and who can forget his famous phrase? I'm gonna make him an offer he can ' t refuse. Brando won the Oscar that year, but he sent an Indian girl to receive it on his behalf in protest against the ill treatment he was previously subjected to. 
There are many mythical actors I did not put on the list and there are those who deserve to be in it.
In general, these are the rest of the actors (without order) .....
Henry Fonda + Daniel Day-Lewis + Toshirô Mifune + Anthony Hopkins + John Wayne + Leonardo DiCaprio + Michael Caine + Robert Duvall + Gary Oldman + Brad Pitt + Christoph Waltz + Laurence Olivier + Anthony Quinn + Takashi Shimura + Peter O'Toole + Morgan Freeman Russell Crowe + Edward Norton + Gregory Peck + Heath Ledger + Spencer Tracy + Christian Bale Ralph Fiennes + Gene Hackman + Eli Wallach + Jeff Bridges + Sean Connery + Dustin Hoffman + Benicio Del Toro + Joaquin Phoenix + Johnny Depp + Denzel Washington + Javier Bardem + Robin Williams + Robert Downey Jr + Samuel L. Jackson + Harrison Ford + Cary Grant + Sean Penn


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