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Strokes, heart attacks drop unsaturated fats in restaurants where they are banned

Strokes, heart attacks drop unsaturated fats in restaurants where they are banned

Strokes, heart attacks drop unsaturated fats in restaurants where they are banned

The Yale study found a 6.2 percent drop in hospital admissions for heart attacks and strokes among New Yorkers in neighborhoods where unsaturated fats were blocked from restaurants.
The ban on trans fat is from New York's restaurants may improve public health, a new study selon published by JAMA Heart. The study concluded that not removing unsaturated fats from restaurant foods significantly reduced the number of heart attacks and strokes experienced by populations in regions where trans fat blocked the premises.

Our study highlights the power of public policy to influence the cardiovascular health of the population.
- Eric Brandt, Yale School of Medicine
The study results showed a 6.2 percent decrease in hospital admissions for heart attacks and strokes in areas where unsaturated fats are prohibited. This equates to 43 heart attacks and fewer strokes per 100,000 people. Kew researchers found no decline in hospital admission est devenu statistically significant three years on the implementation of the ban.

The research team led by Eric Brandt, a clinical fellow at Cardiovascular Medicine at Yale College of Medicine compared the fatty acid restrictions hydrogenated Society of Antry in food to a number of hospital admissions for heart attacks and strokes using data from the New York State Department of Entry Health Year 2002 and 2013.

Brandt Roy Yale News, "They are very large companies are declining." "Our study highlights the strength of public policy to influence the cardiovascular health of the population." Trans fats are harmful to cardiovascular health and reduce or eliminate them from the diet significantly reduces rates of heart attack and stroke.

Unsaturated Fat Ban 2007 is a New York eating institution that has spread to restaurants, bakeries and street vendors in the city and 11 counties. Ban after receiving a 2006 ruling by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a fifth student that food companies declare unsaturated fats happy their products are food fact labels, led a fifth step to many food manufacturers and fast food chains eliminate the transit of their products from Use oils and fats healthier.

Consumption of unsaturated fat is linked to obesity, arterial blockage, and cardiovascular disease. Trans fat converts levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), "bad" cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (HDL), and "good" cholesterol.

The equivalent of small amounts of unsaturated fat is found in some meat and dairy products, the majorité is created from the process of manufacturing called hydrogenation ended, fifth converts liquid oils into solid fats. Many processed foods including margarine, chips, fried foods and baked goods contain unsaturated fats.

Trans fat added to the food products to enhance flavor and extend shelf life. Trans fats were cheaper to produce saturated animal fats, and at the same time were thought to be a healthier option.

The results of the study indicate that Brent Qo ban FDA of unsaturated fat in all foods, the fifth enters into force in 2018, will result in widespread health benefits.

"Banning nationwide unsaturated fat is winning millions of people at risk for cardiovascular disease," Brandt Yale told the news.

The FDA estimated this as an unsaturated fat ban could prevent the prevention of about 20,000 heart attacks and 7,000 deaths from heart attacks per year.


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