Motherhood is a real treat. After all that hard work, those long, sleepless nights, fevers, and messes, watching your little ones grow up and thrive is all a mom can really ask for. But…there are moments when the journey of motherhood isn’t such smooth sailing. In fact, there are times when it’s just really, really annoying.
Luckily for us, when baby animals are a pain for their moms, it’s pretty adorable for us.
1. “Mommy just wants to get a little bit of sun.”
2. “Can we go to the park now? Please, please. Please. Please, PLEASE?”
3. “Me, what about me? MOM. ME.”
4. It’s like tugging on your earring…but worse.
5. “I’m trying to nap, dear.”
6. “…At least he’s finally asleep.”
8. “I told you already, I’m not your mother. Please leave.”
9. She’s gotten clawed in the face too many times to count.
10. “All I ask for is TWO MINUTES ALONE.”
11. Sometimes mom can be the nuisance, too. It’s a two-way street.
Just wait ’til it’s time for the little ones to leave home for kitty or dog college…these tough moments will be totally erased from memory and replaced with the sadness (or euphoria) an empty nest brings. Enjoy it while it lasts!